Print all subsets of given size of a set

Generate all possible subset of size r of given array with distinct elements.

Input  : arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}
            r = 2
Output :  1 2
          1 3
          1 4
          2 3
          2 4
          3 4

Input  : arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}
            r = 3
Output : 10 20 30 
         10 20 40 
         10 20 50 
         10 30 40 
         10 30 50 
         10 40 50 
         20 30 40 
         20 30 50 
         20 40 50 
         30 40 50 

The idea here is similar to Subset Sum Problem. We one by one consider every element of input array, and recur for two cases:
1) The element is included in current combination (We put the element in data[] and increment next available index in data[])
2) The element is excluded in current combination (We do not put the element and do not change index)
When number of elements in data[] become equal to r (size of a combination), we print it.
This method is mainly based on Pascal’s Identity, i.e. ncr = n-1cr + n-1cr-1

// Program to print all combination of size r in
// an array of size n
#include <stdio.h>
void combinationUtil(int arr[], int n, int r,
                     int index, int data[], int i);
// The main function that prints all combinations of 
// size r in arr[] of size n. This function mainly
// uses combinationUtil()
void printCombination(int arr[], int n, int r)
    // A temporary array to store all combination
    // one by one
    int data[r];
    // Print all combination using temprary array 'data[]'
    combinationUtil(arr, n, r, 0, data, 0);
/* arr[]  ---> Input Array
   n      ---> Size of input array
   r      ---> Size of a combination to be printed
   index  ---> Current index in data[]
   data[] ---> Temporary array to store current combination
   i      ---> index of current element in arr[]     */
void combinationUtil(int arr[], int n, int r, int index,
                     int data[], int i)
    // Current cobination is ready, print it
    if (index == r) {
        for (int j = 0; j < r; j++)
            printf("%d ", data[j]);
    // When no more elements are there to put in data[]
    if (i >= n)
    // current is included, put next at next location
    data[index] = arr[i];
    combinationUtil(arr, n, r, index + 1, data, i + 1);
    // current is excluded, replace it with next
    // (Note that i+1 is passed, but index is not
    // changed)
    combinationUtil(arr, n, r, index, data, i + 1);
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    int arr[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
    int r = 3;
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    printCombination(arr, n, r);
    return 0;

10 20 30 
10 20 40 
10 20 50 
10 30 40 
10 30 50 
10 40 50 
20 30 40 
20 30 50 
20 40 50 
30 40 50 


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