Adobe Questions Collections
C++ 11 features : Lambda Functions, unique pointers and 1-2 more features which I dont remember exactly. Virtual Functions,, How derived class functions can be accessed by pointer to base class. Memory map of Derived Class when it is compiled : I gave vPointer and vTable explanation. He discussed in detail what all things get stored in vTable. Accessing Base Class functions . Memory map of shared pointer object on compilation. How is reference count shared between shared pointers ? What happens when copy constructor of shared pointer called. Then came Mutex, Sempahores and Condition Variables. Wait and Notify purpose. When to use Condition variables. Spurious wake up in case of wait() : This I did not know. He explained the term and its consequences, and why condition wait is in while loop rather than if check. He asked about std::promise() and std::future(). Write code for set() of promise and get() of future and synchronize between them using lock and condition va...